Moving is a lot of work and there are important logistics to take care of if you want to make sure to get your damage deposit back! Here’s a step-by-step guide to moving out to help make it easier! Print out a guide here.
Give Notice
Check the terms of your lease; leases can require anywhere from 30 – 120 days to give notice. Don’t assume that just because your lease is ending, you don’t need to give notice. Check with your landlord or property management company for their requirements/procedures for moving out.
If you want to stay in your place for another year, look our for a renewal notice from your property management company or landlord. Make sure you and your roommates communicate with each other about who is moving out and who is staying before you sign the renewal.
Important: In the City of Bellingham landlords must give tenants who are on a month-to-month lease 60 days notice if they want their tenants to move out. If you have not signed a new lease for the year, you are likely on a month-to-month lease. Check your lease agreement to find out.
Damage Deposit
Review your lease.
Determine what you can expect at move out. Familiarize yourself with what part of your initial move in deposit was refundable (a damage deposit) vs. non-refundable (a cleaning fee).
Review the move in inspection.
Note any damages you will be held responsible for and talk to your roommates about how to handle this fairly. You can’t be held responsible for “normal wear and tear” on your unit, but you will have to pay to repair damages. Have a conversation with your landlord if you need to discuss damages and repairs.
Talk to your landlord about the move out process.
Make sure you agree on the exact date you will be completely out of the unit with your landlord. After you move out, your landlord has 21 days to send you all of your deposit or a letter telling you why they are not giving some or all of it back. They must send this letter to the most recent address they have for you. (RCW 59.18.280.) When you move out, give your landlord your new address, or make sure your mail is being forwarded so that you will get the deposit or letter.
Hot Tips for Maximizing Your Damage Deposit Return!
* Replace all lightbulbs and batteries in your smoke detectors
* Replace the stove burner drip pans
* Make sure that all unwanted furniture, garbage and household items are not left on the property, not even next to the garbage!
* Ask for a pre-moveout inspection from your landlord, they will tell you what cleaning items you have missed and what damages you will be responsible for.
* Leave twice as long as you think to do the final clean…. stoves and refrigerators take a long time to clean!
* Take a video or photos of the place right before you move out and after you have cleaned to show its final condition.
Final Cleanup
In future renting reference checks, your landlord will report on how you left the unit when you moved out. A good rule of thumb is to leave the unit in the same (or better) condition that it was in when you moved in. Sometimes it’s easier to thoroughly clean a place once all the furniture is out. Plan enough time to get the cleaning done and work with your roommates about a fair distribution of the work. Cleaning Guidelines
Don’t leave it on the curb!
Be aware of your impact on the community; it is against the law, bad for the environment and disrespectful to neighbors when you leave items on the street or sidewalk. In fact, the City can fine up to $1025 for litter left on the sidewalk or in the alley. Besides, there’s a bunch of ways to help others, be good to the environment and also get rid of your stuff! Check out the printable list of resources here!
Drop off at a Charity
If you item is in good condition consider donating it! Goodwill, Value Village, Salvation Army, The Restore, Wise Buys, and Habitat for Humanity are all great places to donate.
Word of Mouth
Talk to friends and neighbors, or post on your social media that you have items to sell or give away.
Have SSC pick it up
Call SSC at 360.734.3490 for Junk Pick-Up quote and to arrange for your item to be picked up!
Have a garage sale or sell online
Reselling furniture is a great way to reduce waste and make some money! Post an ad on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace or take a sunny morning to have a garage sale. *If using Craigslist, always tell a friend/roommate where you are going, or that someone will be coming over to pick-up stuff! Craigslist Safety Tips*
Store your furniture and save it for next year
Here is a link to some self-storage companies in Bellingham.
Moving Out? Pack it Out!
For more information and resources on how to properly get rid of your unwanted items, check out the City of Bellingham “Moving Out? Pack it Out” page!
Moving Your Stuff
If you don’t have a friend or family member with a car or truck you will need to rent a truck or hire a moving company. Most car rental companies will not rent large trucks to people under 21 except for Uhaul. If you do need to rent a car or truck, make sure you make a reservation well in advance because move out times are busy for vehicle rental companies and it gets more expensive the longer you wait.
Change Your Address
When you move to a new address, you need to notify the post office by filling out a change of address form, which can be found online or at your local post office. For more information, visit the US Postal Service.
Don’t forget to update your address in Web4U! This information is critical for Western to have in case of an emergency.
Contact Utilities
Contact any utilities that you put in your name while you were renting this unit. Arrange to get it out of your name and back in the landlord’s name or ask if you can move your service to your new location. If you don’t do this, you might still be accumulating a bill at your old rental even after you’ve left it. Visit our Moving In page for more information about specific utilities in our area.