Whatcom Landlords and Housing Professionals
Landlords, property managers, property owners and affordable housing professionals work collaboratively to address the rental housing crisis in Bellingham and Whatcom County.
- Increase communication and collaboration amongst affordable housing professionals
- Build and strengthen community partnerships between landlords, property managers, property owners and affordable housing professionals.
- Provide education and networking opportunities to landlords, property managers, property owners and affordable housing professionals
- Promote and increase participation in existing affordable rental housing programs
Help us develop programming that is most beneficial to you as a housing provider, landlord or other housing professional with our 4 minute survey.
Mark your calendars for upcoming education and networking opportunities for housing professionals in Bellingham and Whatcom County!
Preventing Unintentional Discrimination in Tenant Screening | January 22nd | 11am | Virtual
The Fair Housing Center of Washington will discuss HUD’s updated guidance around tenant screening issued in April 2024. This 1-hour training will include 40 minutes of material review and best practices plus about 20 minutes for questions and discussion. The cost is free; however, groups are limited to 5 attendees per organization/business, max attendees is 100 participants.
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkc-2grjkoHNzX9-u0k-YypdFPNa9a6zzP
Click here to view recordings of past trainings
Sign up for our listserv to stay in the loop on our upcoming events!
Resources for Landlords, Property Managers and Owners
Brochures and Handouts to Give to Tenants
- recyclables sorting poster
- ‘Tips on being a good neighbor’ letter
- Guide to Understanding Condensation
- FoodPlus! Multifamily Composting (English) (Spanish)
- Tenant Rights & Resources Flyer
Stay in Touch With Us
Because of the housing crisis and low vacancy rates in Bellingham and Whatcom County, it is extremely difficult for low-income individuals to find housing. The Landlord Engagement Group recognizes that our landlords and property managers have a unique and important role in helping to address the rental housing crisis.
Who We Are
The organizing group for this organization consists of members from Western’s basic needs team, Northwest Youth Services, the Opportunity Council, Bellingham Housing Authority and the City of Bellingham. This group came together in the spring of 2022 to discuss ways to connect better with landlords and the product of those discussions is this group.
From help paying rent to transitional and permanent housing, and other prevention and housing services—skilled Opportunity Council case managers and staff are available to help people navigate the complex system of available services to find their way home.
The Housing Authority of the City of Bellingham is a local government agency that serves thousands of residents in Whatcom County. The Bellingham Housing Authority (BHA) & the Whatcom County Housing Authority work together to provide needed housing in our community.
Northwest Youth Services is a non-profit organization serving young people ages 13-24 experiencing homelessness in Whatcom and Skagit Counties. Northwest Youth Services offers housing, street outreach, help finding a job or enrolling in school, connection to mental health services, support for LGBTQ youth, restorative justice for juvenile respondents, and referrals to other services in the community.
City of Bellingham Housing and Human Services
Western Washington University has three offices to support students who are experiencing or at risk of being homeless. The Office of Off Campus Living provides housing support, advocacy and resources to students living off campus. The Resource Navigator position, funded through a state grant, assists students who need help with a housing deposit and runs a short-term emergency housing program. Western Success Scholars also supports unaccompanied homeless youth and students from the foster care system with additional support, funds and advocacy.